Spinning Wheels Parkinson's Riders
Page of Distinction
To qualify, you must be a person who has Parkinson’s and registered as a rider with the Spinning Wheels Relay. You must keep track of the kilometres cycled by yourself. Confirmation by a Spinning Wheels Representative is preferred but exceptions will be made. (A rough estimation of kilometres is acceptable) Yes the Spinning Wheels Tour of 2023 kilometres are included (We get some points for starting all this.). Unfortunately, Caregivers, support people, friends and family are not eligible. Although you in a sense live with Parkinson’s and are fully appreciated and are an intracule part of us even being able to even accomplish what we are doing, alas, including so many people could be as time consuming as say, riding across the country!
Steven Iseman
7,950 km
Jim Redmond
7,740 km
Mike Loghrin
1,340 km
Rob Warner
595 km
Lloyd Taylor
535 km
Greg Loghrin
128 km
Michael Snetsinger
80 km
Eric Chan
65 km
Gary Brown
60 km
Kevin Campbell
60 km
Li Jiang
60 km
Larry Linton
60 km
Peter Tricarico
60 km
Michael Borden
40 km
David Gill
40 km
Norman Jarus
40 km
Rick Suvanto
40 km
Lanny Thomas
40 km
Andy Robinson
35 km
Tom Olien
25 km
Vam Thurairajah
20 km
Martin Tsui
20 km
If you see an error or omission please let us know at info@spinningwheels.com. If you don’t see your name, check if you have register with the Relay, please don’t assume.