Steve’s Blog – Sept 9 and 10 – cxx – Sackville to Truro and Halifax
I have forgotten to mention that our group is now 5, as we are joined by Jim’s wife, Krista. Sheis a natural fit and, for me, arrives with sleuthing skills to find a perfect pie and help celebrate my birthday. It turns out that it is also Jim and Krista’s wedding anniversary, and there are […]
Steve’s Blog – Sept 8 – honouring a fallen champion, and one who is living – Petticodiac
to Sackville
This morning we start the day by honouring a local champion. Ralph Richardson was strickenwith Parkinson’s Disease and became an enthusiastic supporter of the Superwalk, a ParkinsonsCanada fundraiser. Ralph’s options became very limited during the Covid years, but he had firein his belly, and his impulse was to press on, so he used his own […]
Steve’s Blog – Sept 6-7 – extreme cycling – Clearview NB to Fredricton and Petticodiac
We have been cycling up a storm lately. In the past 8 days we have cycled 1,039 km, with anaverage distance of 148.4 km/day. During that time I twice reset my longest distance evercycled in a day, and Jim had one as well. Details below, for those who care about cycling stats.Thanks to a referral […]
Steve’s Blog – Sept 5 – what Parkinson’s looks like on a cycling trip – Edmunston NB to
Clearview NB
We awoke this morning to heart-stopping cold. It was 2c at 7:00am, and felt colder. Plus wewere on the wrong end of a time zone change, so our morning prep went slow. We rode 116km,with the return of hills. Our evening is spent in the company of a succession of visitors to our RVPark, searching […]
Steve’s Blog – Sept 4 – the cost – Rivière du Loup to Edmunston NB
When we started this journey 2 ½ months ago, time and opportunity seemed limitless. It’s nolonger that way, and we are now making plans for our final days – the last long ride, the lastgroup ride, the last free day. Crossing into New Brunswick seems to have been the impetussince it is the start of […]
Steve’s Blog – Sept 1&2 – je me souveins – Montreal (Laval), Quebec to Trois Riviere and
then Rivière du Loup
We are back to RV living once more. Our time in Quebec will be short but the impact is high.Based on Jim 2’s recommendation we travel east along the north St. Lawrence shore. That iswhere we find the lovely “green trail” system. The trail is occasionally astounding, occasionallyfrustrating, and in sum a great step forward.Our […]
Steve’s Blog – Aug 31- clear reception – Cornwall to Montreal (Laval), Quebec
Gil and Sharon are splendid hosts with a lovely home. They deliver up coffee like pros andenliven four weary travellers at a very early hour.We drove to a community playhouse and settled in to our first ever Rotary meeting. The meetingstarts with happy bucks – voluntary contributions that are plunked into a coffee cup followingeach […]
Steve’s Blog – Aug 29-30 – 2 coffee makers – Athens to Cornwall
We tear away from the embrace of family once again, this time to spend two days hopscotchingalong a route plan with so much complexity that it sounds like a law school admissions question:Eg. Starting in Ottawa, cyclists A and B drive and ride the following routes.● Drove east from Athens to Smithfalls for an event● […]
Steve’s Blog – Aug 25-28 – it’s about the people we meet – Ottawa/Gatineau
The name “Ottawa” is derived from an Algonquian homonym meaning“gather for trade”. Gather, we did, and our trading was of stories, photos and best wishes. Fourdays of revelry.Through the exceptional efforts of Krista and many others, we gather first in Brittania Park for ameet and greet. We meet so many people, some who have come […]
Steve’s Blog – Aug 23-24 – Ottawa Bound – Peterborough to Ottawa
Physics observation: the mass of your home is inversely and geometrical relative to yourdistance from it. Consequently, the closer you get to your home, the greater the gravitationaldraw, squared.I observed this principle over the course of these two days of travel with Jim. We leftPeterborough late and set our sights on Arden, Ontario – mathematically […]